Health Commodity Dashboard - OSPSANTE
The Pharmaceutical Management Information Dashboard is developed using USAID fund and implemented in Mali, Guinea, and South Sudan for better management of malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health commodities. The goal of the Dashboard is to capture, track, aggregate, and disseminate information about malaria, FP, and MCH commodities to support evidence based decision making in these countries. The Dashboard will assist countries stakeholders, donors including USAID, GFATM, WHO, UNFPA and other implementing partners in improving forecasting, supply planning and procurement to support the continuous availability of malaria, FP, and MCH related commodities. The Dashboard will also offer to partners a platform to easily share information on funding flows and stock out risks. The data available on this platform will be used to inform decision-making and assist identify solutions to mitigate risks in the short-, medium- and long-term. The program now has HIV, Nutrition and Ebola stock reports included.